San Servolo srl
In-house company of Città Metropolitana di Venezia,
Registered capital € 231.646
Tax code and VAT number: 03544490273
Venice corporate register: 03544490273
Headquarters - registered and operating office
Isola di San Servolo n.1 – 30124 Venezia
ph. +39 041 2765001
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Operating venues
Villa Widmann Rezzonico Foscari
Via Nazionale 420, Mira, Venice
ph. + 39.041 424973
Insane Asylum Museum
c/o Isola di San Servolo
ph. + 39.041 2765001
Torcello Museum
Piazza Torcello, 30142 Venice
ph. + 39.041 730761
General Services
Administration Office
Ilaria Baù
Technical Office
Carlo Castiglioni
General Secretariat and Institutional Affairs
Mara Fabris
Certified e-mail (PEC)
San Servolo Island Study and Living Center
CIR: F0270420037