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Villa Widmann Sala Degli Affreschi 01

Esterni Villa Widmann Ville Venete

Villa Widmann Visita In Bike Percorsi

Parco Monumentale 01 Villa Widmann

Fronte Villa Widmann Percorsi Turistici Veneziano

Interni Villa Widmann Lampadario

Villa Widmann Percorsi Turistici Veneziano Veneto

Pic Nic Colori D Autunno Villa Widmann

Visiting the villa

Villa Widmann Rezzonico Foscari offers a complete and exhaustive tour, presenting the Villa Veneta system. The villa itself has three storeys: a mezzanine, first and second floors, and is fully furnished with period pieces, Murano glass lamps and brocade drapes. The tour includes the mezzanine and first floor, where fact sheets explain the objects and traditions of villa life and the Venetian nobility. A lovely hall is dedicated to gondolas and their trades. The villa is home to one of the few remaining felze, the traditional cabin cover of the Venetian water craft. The Barchessa’s lovely portico includes a small Venetian-style square and a collection of antique carriages. The monumental park covers over 16 000 square metres, with pathways among hornbeam trees, antique roses and a romantic pond with bald cypress trees.

Visit information

The villa is open to visitors from Tuesday to Sunday (and holiday Mondays) from 10 AM – 1 PM  and 1:30 – 4:30 PM.

Reservations (including by telephone) should be made at least 24 hours in advance for groups of more than 20 people.

Full admission: €7.00, Reduced admission: €6.00 (children aged 7 to 12 years, seniors over 65)

Reduced admission also with the Ville Card, TCI card, FAI card and Coop card

Entrance with presentation of the historical and artistic peculiarities of the Villa by our staff: €10.00 per person (by reservation)

Family ticket: 
- 2 adults + 1 child up to 18 years old €14.00
- 2 adults + 2 children up to 18 years old €20.00

Special for students: reduced admission on Wednesdays

Combined ticket Villa Widmann + Villa Valmarana, only for groups on reservation, euro 9,00 per person

Click here to buy your tickets!

Phone: 041 5600690
Fax: 041 426 6560
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Available services

Villa Widmann has an info point with information on where to stay and what to visit on the Riviera del Brenta, Terra dei Tiepolo and the entire Venetian mainland: Brenta River and Venice lagoon excursions, houseboat and bicycle rentals, major events along the river, accommodations, routes to discover and great places to dine.

Villa Widmann is the ideal place to start to discover and explore natural, artistic and historic treasures that have been jealously guarded for centuries between Padua and Venice.

The frescoes

The villa’s central salon, which rises two storeys high, is interrupted by a lovely balcony and is frescoed throughout with bright colours that light up the room. The artist, Giuseppe Angeli was inspired by his master, Giambattista Piazzetta, and decided to use fresh and light-coloured paints. The fresco on the right-hand wall shows the rape of Helen.

On the opposite wall is the sacrifice of Iphigenia in the centre of the scene, as she waits to be immolated by her father, Agamemnon

The ceiling completes the glorification of the Widmann family portraying characters and symbols related to Greek mythology.

The riviera del Brenta

Venice looked to the lagoon and the sea for as long as it could, but began to concern itself with “its” Mainland in the early 1400s. The Brenta River was considered the ideal extension of the Grand Canal and an exceptional connection to the prestigious city of Padua. Beginning in the 15th century, Venice’s most powerful families began building sumptuous villas along the river in which to spend the summer months. They hired the period’s finest architects and painters, so that the entire area become known for its many beautiful villas.

Even today, the area between Venice and Padua is a popular venue for visits and events.

Villa Widmann Sala Degli Affreschi 01

Esterni Villa Widmann Ville Venete

Villa Widmann Visita In Bike Percorsi

Parco Monumentale 01 Villa Widmann

Fronte Villa Widmann Percorsi Turistici Veneziano

Interni Villa Widmann Lampadario

Villa Widmann Percorsi Turistici Veneziano Veneto

Pic Nic Colori D Autunno Villa Widmann

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