Torcello Museum
Last news
06.07.2023 -
Appuntamenti d'estate al Museo di Torcello

Torcello Museum entrance, exterior

Museum entrance

Exhibition Hall, overview
Archaeological Section

Greek pottery and black glaze
Showcase n.3, Archaeological Section

Protohistoric bronzes: armilla (bracelets) and necklaces
Showcase n.5, Archaeological Section

Apulian vases and Campanian red-figure vases, late 4th-early 3rd Century BC
Showcase n.6, Archaeological Section

Roman common pottery: olla and glass
Showcase n.8, Archaeological Section

Roman iron keys
Showcase n.9, Archaeological Section

Roman bronzes: amulets, fibulae, small tools, tableware
Showcase n.10, Archaeological Section

Upper Hall, overall view
Medieval and Modern Section

Upper room showcase with relics from Torcello, leaden bubbles, seals
Medieval and Modern Section

Museum exterior

Exterior, stairs of the Archives building, Torcello Museum
Visit the Museum
Winter time: 1/11-28/02 10:30 – 16:00
Summer time: 1/03-31/10 10:30 – 17:30
Closed:on Monday and national festivities, 21st November (opened 15st August)
Tickets: full price Euro 3,00
Reduced price Euro 1,50 (for groups more than 10 people, Children aged 6 to 12 ).
Free admission for classes accompanied by teachers and for children up to 5 years and UE citizens over 65.
On Thursday free for residents of the Province of Venice.
- Phone: +39 041730761
- Phone: +39 0412501780-4 o +39 0412765001 from Monday to Thursday (during working hours)
- Fax: 041 5328508
- E-mail:
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Torcello Museum entrance, exterior

Museum entrance

Exhibition Hall, overview
Archaeological Section

Greek pottery and black glaze
Showcase n.3, Archaeological Section

Protohistoric bronzes: armilla (bracelets) and necklaces
Showcase n.5, Archaeological Section

Apulian vases and Campanian red-figure vases, late 4th-early 3rd Century BC
Showcase n.6, Archaeological Section

Roman common pottery: olla and glass
Showcase n.8, Archaeological Section

Roman iron keys
Showcase n.9, Archaeological Section

Roman bronzes: amulets, fibulae, small tools, tableware
Showcase n.10, Archaeological Section

Upper Hall, overall view
Medieval and Modern Section

Upper room showcase with relics from Torcello, leaden bubbles, seals
Medieval and Modern Section

Museum exterior