Asylum Museum
Insane asylum museum
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Before and after the treatment - Insane Asylum Museum San Servolo Island

Visitors at the Insane Asylum Museum San Servolo Venice

Insane Asylum Museum San Servolo Venice

Pharmacology - Insane Asylum Museum San Servolo Venice

Circular mania (bipolar disorder)

Dissection room - Insane Asylum Museum of San Servolo
Visit the museum
From November 4th, new opening time for the Insane Asylum Museum:
Friday, fromo 14.00 to 17.30
Saturday and Sunday: from 9.45 to 16.30
Closing days: bank holidays
Every day (including Saturday and Sundays) it is possible to visit the Museum booking a guided tour (also in English) by calling 0418627167 (Monday to Friday 9am-1pm) or by writing to sanservolo @coopculture.it
The Museum path also includes the Church, the old apothecary and the anatomical room. Books and guidebooks are on sale at the reception.
Museum € 7 full admission, € 5 reduced admission (Seniors over 65, residents of the Metropolitan City of Venice, guests of the Residential and Congresses Center in San Servolo, military and community service volunteers). Free: children up to 14 years (must be accompanied by an adult), visitors with disabilities with accompanying person, journalists, residents of the Metropolitan City of Venice on the first Friday of each month. Tickets are sold at the San Servolo Reception.
Educational workshops project 2019/2020
With its Historical Archive, the “Madness Locked Away” Insane Asylum Museum, Old Pharmacy and Historical Library, the Island of San Servolo is both a place where memory is preserved and at the same time a place of study and dissemination, research, dialogue and the sharing of knowledge. In this spirit, for the third year, six educational programmes are being proposed with different themes according to age group:
Historical memory: learning about archives; A day in an old Venetian pharmacy; Let’s put a face to history; In search of madness: a journey through past and present; Judgement, prejudice and stigma: the long road to rights; Mental illness, remedies and treatments.
The formula is designed to promote the active participation of young people in the learning process. Play and creative working methods are employed to awaken an interest in the knowledge and care of the cultural heritage, educate about the area’s history, bring schools closer to the world of archives and raise awareness of the issues surrounding mental illness, marginalisation and stigma.

Before and after the treatment - Insane Asylum Museum San Servolo Island

Visitors at the Insane Asylum Museum San Servolo Venice

Insane Asylum Museum San Servolo Venice

Pharmacology - Insane Asylum Museum San Servolo Venice

Circular mania (bipolar disorder)